ISMRM MRI Coils Study Group Member Forum

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Welcome to the brand-new MRI Coils Study Group!

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Governing Committee

Chair: Fraser Robb, Ph.D.

More Info Coming Soon

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The study group will focus on bringing together a community passionate about the design, prototyping, and rapid development of MRI coil technology to create safe patient-centric designs with best-in-class IQ and performance.

MRI coils are such a critically important component of the modern MR system due to physical proximity to the patient. We believe this new study group would complement the existing engineering study section which has to cover all the other hardware including magnets, gradients, and other system functions.

We will encourage the study group to look at novel designs of MRI coils, especially in areas where we could improve performance or patient experience. Areas for focus could include pediatrics, breast, interventional, surgical, low field or MNS coils but also to cover those areas of extreme challenge that come up in later years like massively parallel arrays.