ISMRM Reproducible Research Study Group Member Forum

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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Virtual Special Issue on Reproducible Research

Call for 2025 Study Group Nominations
Visit the General Forum for the nomination form link.
Nomination Deadline: 30 October at 23:59 UTC

Visit the Universal Study Groups Forum. Open to ALL study group members! Click here, then click the green ISMRM Study Groups Discourse button.

Governing Committee

Chair: Maria Eugenia Caligiuri, Ph.D.

Vice-Chair: Laura C. Bell, Ph.D.

Secretary: Tony Stoecker, Ph.D.

Trainee Rep: Sophie Schauman, Ph.D.

ISMRT Rep: Cristian A. Montalba Zalaquett, B.Sc.

Past-Chair: Shaihan J. Malik, Ph.D.

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To promote and enable the idea that scientific results, claims, and analyses can and should be published with their data and associated software code in a form that would allow others to reproduce the results and build upon them.