ISMRM Imaging Neurofluids Study Group Member Forum

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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Virtual Special Issue on Imaging Neurofluids

Visit the Universal Study Groups Forum. Open to ALL study group members! Click here, then click the green ISMRM Study Groups Discourse button.

Governing Committee

Chair: Matthias J. P. van Osch, Ph.D.

Vice Chair: Laura Lewis, Ph.D.

Secretary: Li Zhao, Ph.D.

Trainee Rep.: Yicun Wang, Ph.D.

Past Trainee Rep: Merel van der Thiel, M.Sc.

Past-Chair: Olivier Balédent, Ph.D.

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  • Provide a platform where different professionals and expertise can discuss appropriate imaging methods for the neurofluids and the brain waste drain mechanisms;
  • Create a network between clinicians and scientists where people can share MRI protocol and post-processing software;
  • Create an open reference database of neurofluid images and flows useful for numerical simulation;
  • Build consortium to prepare common projects and respond to grant calls;
  • Highlight experts in the field open to share their knowledge with the MR community;
  • Involve clinicians and physiologists to provide a better understanding of the anatomy of fluids and brain parenchyma, information that would be key to translate basic science and imaging methodology to clinical practice; and
  • Provide a bridge with other study groups such as MR flow, MR cardiac imaging, cutting-edge technologies, and white matter to bring the heart-brain axis to the forefront.