ISMRM Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Study Group Member Forum

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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Virtual Special Issue on CEST MRI
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Governing Committee
Chair: Elena Vinogradov, Ph.D.
Vice-Chair: Jiadi Xu, Ph.D.
Secretary: Kannie WY Chan, Ph.D.
Trainee Rep: Anina Seidemo, M.Sc.
Past-Chair: Peter van Zijl, Ph.D.
Our mission is to stimulate and facilitate the further development, evaluation, and clinical application of CEST MR techniques. This includes creating a network of clinicians and scientists for sharing expertise, MRI acquisition protocols, and post-processing software. This will allow the building of consensus on the acquisition and post-processing protocols for CEST applications in both preclinical and clinical settings.